maandag 25 januari 2016

Seabreeze Kiss #DichterlijkeVrijheid #PurePoetry #PurePoëzie

Seabreeze Kiss

It's your arms,
your hands.
Miss 'em finding
their way
to convey
that love expands
It's your legs,
arms and mine.
Our bodies

That I so miss.

And your
Seabreeze Kiss.


donderdag 21 januari 2016

'Doin' it for the Kids'; celebrating 'MotherAltar' #StoriesofmyLife (up-dated)

Two years ago I finished translating 'MoederAltaar'/'MotherAltar'. This piece changed my life. It was published on website/blog dedicated to the subject 'Childless by Choice' and it triggered me to write more about it. All part of my 'Not a Mother-mindfulness', as I call it. Today I share another piece on the matter that I wrote for the website, but in the end never saw the light of digital day. Even though my private situation has changed (not married anymore), my views on the matter haven't. And in the end, no matter the choice, we're all doin' it for the kids.

'Doin' it for the kids!'

What makes an offbeat family offbeat? The number of kids, the way of raising the kids, having gay parents, taking care of adopted children, foster children, being a single parent or being a family of two: husband and wife? In our case it is being a family of two, my husband and myself. Pretty offbeat these days – because having children (I prefer ‘becoming parents’) is far more normal than not and far more accepted. Childless by choice is the offbeat family-form of 2014 if you ask me. The reason for this opinion is the fact childless by choice-men and –women are often asked why and even more often judged by it (and not always in a positive way). It is more of a challenge for me to defend (I prefer 'explain' but it sometimes feels like 'defend' (or is it me?) my choice than it is for a parent.

To give you an idea, here are some of the remarks that I get: “Really, are you childless by choice? But why are you a woman then?” – Really? – Yes, really. And it was a woman stating this. Really? Yes, really. Another one, “If you don’t give birth than you aren’t a real woman.” Yes, really and again a woman. Comments like, ‘selfish', 'not natural', 'not normal', 'why else be woman (maybe because I’m born this way?)’ are often the rule rather than the exception. So the offbeat family isn’t a family with gay parents of different cultures and nationalities, with children of their own, adopted and foster – no it is the man and woman – married (or not) – who've choosen not to become parents.

Not many people relate to the choice I made, but apparently they let themselves ‘not like and sometimes even hate what they don’t understand’. My choice is made with love, from love and for love. I am convinced that because there are men and women like my husband and myself that other men and women CAN have kids. 


Because it takes a whole village to raise a child. If a mother is short of hands, or a father, we can help. We live in your village. We can babysit your children. Because we live in the same village. We, along with you, keep an eye on your children while they’re playing outside. We live besides you in the same village. And if you’re temporarily unable to take care of your child no matter the circumstances, we can step in and we will step in – for as long as it is necessary. We live in your village.

We, as childless adults, know that we don’t know what it is like to be fulltime parents to childeren of our own. But we empathize with the difficult job it can be, the work it takes and with a lot of what comes along with being a parent. It can be overwhelming as it can be magical. But for the moments that it is overwhelming and maybe even a little too much, know that there are people like us to who you can come to for support. We live in your village, we live in the village where your children live. Nurture us, embrace us – let's embrace each other, we all need each other. Let’s do this...
...for the kids!

maandag 4 januari 2016

Automatically redirected #StoriesofmyLife

Deze eerste week besteed ik zo min mogelijk online (met name Facebook) en zoveel mogelijk analoog. Ik vermoed een trend. Voor hier verandert niet zoveel. Waar dan ook, online of analoog, ik ga voor een heel mooi 2016 - ook voor de lezers, jullie natuurlijk.

Voordat mijn zo goed als analoge week aanbrak, bezocht ik elders op het wereldwijde web een prachtige site - maar hey, wat denk je ik werd omgeleid. Iets met een adreswijziging. Dat bracht me wel op een idee. Ook al valt het nu mee met de beren op de weg en doodlopende steegjes; 2016 is nog maar net onder weg (om in het thema te blijven). Toch voor de momenten waarop ik niet goed uitkijk, over een beer struikel, tegen een lantaarnpaal dan wel muur oploop/bots - zou ik wel willen wat online ook kan: 'Automatically redirected'.

Het zijn natuurlijk de hobbels, de beren, de in de weg staande lantaarnpalen dan wel muurtjes die ons de lessen leren. Maar ja, is iedere hobbel de les waard of anders gezegd niet iedere beer is mijn aandacht waard. Dus waarom niet, waarom niet 'Automatically redirected'. Ik vind het niet alleen een idee, ik vind het een goed plan - maar ja - echt ik creëer geen beer - waar leg ik dit neer. Wie geeft hier gehoor aan?

Voor nu alleen hier. Voor nu alleen het plan, het idee. (Met een kleine glimlach, want ook al ben ik Facebook-vrij - mijn blogpost...exact... 'will be automatically redirected').